© California Bicycle Coalition 2025
1017 L Street #288
Sacramento, CA 95814
© California Bicycle Coalition 2025
For Immediate Release: 10/9/23
Contact: Jared Sanchez, CalBike (714) 262-0921, Jared@CalBike.org
SACRAMENTO – Governor Newsom has signed SB 695 (Gonzalez) into law. This bill, supported by CalBike, will increase data transparency by adding requirements to the CA Vehicle Code that Caltrans must prepare and make available information and data about activities on the state highway system on a public website.
Specifically, SB 695 will require Caltrans, beginning January 1, 2026, to annually prepare and make available on its internet website information and data about projects on the state highway system from the prior fiscal year, as specified, and to present this information and data to the California Transportation Commission at a regularly scheduled commission meeting on or before April 1 of each year.
Public oversight of Caltrans projects is crucial for Californians. Caltrans has a history of ignoring the wishes of state legislators and the public. The recent firing of Caltrans deputy director Jeanie Ward-Waller as she was preparing to make a whistleblower complaint shows that SB 695 is a necessary step to reigning in a rogue agency.
“Recent staffing controversies have shown Caltrans’ resistance to adapting California transportation to address the climate crisis,” said Jared Sanchez, policy director of CalBike. “This new public data portal will help Californians understand where our money is going and enable the public oversight needed to help the old Department of Highways become the modern transportation agency California needs.”
For Immediate Release: 10/9/23
Contact: Kendra Ramsey, CalBike, (707) 469-3387, kendra@calbike.org
Re: Caltrans to Ward-Waller: Our way or the highway – Politico 10/3/23
SACRAMENTO – In her role as Deputy Director of Planning and Modal Programs, former CalBike policy director Jeanie Ward-Waller was instrumental in moving Caltrans toward investments in transportation infrastructure that supports low-carbon mobility options for all Californians, and divesting from traffic-inducing practices and infrastructure. CalBike is disappointed that Caltrans removed Ward-Waller from this post, despite her record of positive achievements, including helping the agency draft its Complete Streets policy.
“Jeanie is a tireless advocate for better biking and walking infrastructure,” said CalBike executive director Kendra Ramsey. “Her firing is a huge loss for Caltrans, for climate justice, and for anyone who cares about creating safer roadways in California.”
As the agency responsible for 50,000 miles of roadways–almost 20% of which serve as local streets–Caltrans plays an enormous role in making roads in California safe places for people to bike and walk. The agency is also tasked with moving our transportation network away from car dependency to support the state’s climate change goals. But as the recent firing of the person responsible for keeping Caltrans on track with those goals shows, the agency that used to be called the Department of Highways still sees its primary role as increasing California’s highway capacity, working against the transition to a green transportation future.
It is a critical time for transportation in California; vulnerable road users are subject to an epidemic of traffic violence, and our state is not advancing quickly enough toward viable low-carbon transportation options. Now more than ever, Caltrans must be a leader in fostering Complete Streets throughout the state and rebuilding our transportation networks to support safe, accessible, and convenient options for walking, bicycling, and taking transit.
At the same time, it’s critical to stop expanding freeways. Decades of research confirm that increased highway capacity induces more driving, and California and the world must invest in alternatives to transport goods and people and divest from polluting roadways that fracture communities and habitats. Caltrans removed Ward-Waller from her post after she raised concerns that pavement rehabilitation funds were being used for roadway widening. This underscores the disconnect between Caltrans practices and California’s stated commitment to climate-friendly transportation policies.
CalBike worked to institutionalize a commitment to supporting active transportation at Caltrans when it sponsored the Complete Streets Bill in 2019, which would have mandated a more transparent process at the agency and more Complete Streets. Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed the bill citing the direction of new leadership, and Caltrans vowed to do better. While we have seen some improvement, Ward-Waller’s firing is an ominous sign that the agency’s priorities and vision remain car-centric.
CalBike is digging into how well Caltrans has lived up to its promises to consider the needs of people who bike and walk, and we expect to start releasing data this winter as we prepare a full report.
CalBike is also working with our partners in local and regional agencies as well as local and regional advocates to demand that Caltrans interchanges be subject to new Complete Streets design guidance under Design Information Bulletin (DIB) 94. We applaud the governor for signing SB 695, which will bring more transparency to Caltrans projects, but that’s just the first step.
CalBike remains committed to holding Caltrans accountable for honoring the will of the legislature to protect the climate and the safety of people biking and walking. California needs a moratorium on highway expansions and a strong commitment to creating Complete Streets that make biking and walking safe and appealing.
A great deal of the work your CalBike staff does in Sacramento is behind the scenes. We attend technical advisory committee meetings, advise senior (and junior) staff on best practices, and nudge state agencies to advance in our direction: toward better communities where more people can experience the healthful joy of bicycling, with equity, prosperity, and inclusion as top priorities. This week we’ve been reflecting on advances at Caltrans, advocating for active transportation allocations from the budget surplus, and mourning the speed camera bill, which died in committee.
Some of our work is necessarily private, but here’s what we can tell you.
Changing a huge bureaucracy is often difficult. It’s been a slow process to transform Caltrans from an agency that safeguards the interests of cars to one that responds to our current challenges, and there is much more work still to be done.
However, under the leadership of Toks Omishakin, Caltrans has impressed us with structural changes. One great example is the creation of a high-level Division of Safety Programs and the appointment of longtime bicycle advocate Rachel Carpenter as its Chief Safety Officer. Carpenter previously worked on Livable Streets at SFMTA and she’s a regular bike commuter. The division will bring additional focus to the goal of zero traffic deaths. This should have influence over other offices within Caltrans which impact safety, such as Traffic Operations and the Division of Design.
California’s May Budget Revision showed a $76 billion surplus, with $38 billion in discretionary spending. The competition for that money is fierce. It’s the source of the $600 checks that most Californians will receive, and a welcome boost to early childhood education and afterschool programs. It’s also a great source for infrastructure funding, especially since it’s a one-time boost. The competitive statewide portion of the Active Transportation Program is funded annually at about $220 million. In 2020, California communities submitted applications for $2.3 billion of projects. It desperately needs an infusion of cash.
Yet active transportation advocates had mixed reactions to a proposal from a cohort of California Transportation Commissioners with ties to the road-building industry. The commissioners asked for an incredible $2 billion infusion into the ATP. However, their intention was to derail an earlier proposal suggested by the California State Transportation Agency in its draft “Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure” that called for an ongoing increase in the ATP by taking a little bit from other programs that mostly fund highways.
CalBike and our allies made an alternative proposal to the Budget Committees, seeking $1 billion for the ATP and an additional $1 billion for other active transportation projects, such as the 15-minute neighborhoods and bicycle highways envisioned by AB 1147.
The governor’s May revision proposed a $500 million augmentation to the ATP and $500 million for regions to implement the goals of AB 1147, although the governor’s proposal is not as visionary as that bill imagines.
This week, CalBike is advocating to win our original request of $1 billion for the ATP and $1 billion for other active transportation projects. The coalition of road builders has joined us in asking for $1 billion for the ATP, but we parted ways on the additional funding for the programs that expand highway capacity that the road builders wanted.
Whatever happens, it looks like the ATP will get a huge infusion of funds. By law, half of the funds enter the statewide competition and half are distributed to local agencies. The state’s portion of the funding will help to implement scores of projects that were unfunded in last year’s round. Also, CalBike will continue to advocate for a longer-term solution to the underfunding of the ATP. The governor’s proposed expenditures on transportation in the next fiscal year are $32.6 billion. Unfortunately, much of this is for highways and other subsidies for driving that make bicycling and walking harder. The ATP does not stand a chance to achieve its goals unless the balance of funding shifts.
AB 550 proposed a pilot project to test the efficacy of speed cameras in several California cities. The bill would have required local agencies to develop guidelines for the program with strict limitations that ensured the system would not increase inequities in California. Fines would have to be low, and only charged at speeds 10 mph or more over the speed limit. Fines could not have additional fees tacked on. The car owner would get the fine, like a parking ticket. Police would not be allowed to be involved. The bill also put privacy controls in place.
The bill’s author, Assembly Member David Chiu, did such a good job addressing these equity concerns that we were excited to support it. Camera speed enforcement reduces crashes and saves lives, and it might be the only acceptable solution to scofflaw speeders on certain streets.
However, the Appropriations Committee killed the bill at its May 20 hearing. The committee didn’t offer any clues for their reason for killing this bill, but the demise of AB 550 is a loss for safe streets. CalBike supports the concept of speed safety systems. If another bill is introduced that addresses equity concerns as comprehensively as AB 550, we’ll support it.
For immediate release 5/14/2020
Contact: Dave Snyder, dave@calbike.org, 916-251-9433
California Bicycle Coalition Applauds Caltrans Move to Add Complete Streets to SHOPP Projects
At the May 13, 2020 meeting of the California Transportation Commission (CTC), the Director of the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Toks Omishakin, asked the CTC to set aside $100 million from the 2020 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) for bike and pedestrian safety improvements in SHOPP projects. CalBike applauds Caltrans leadership for championing the Complete Streets improvements that many California streets desperately need. Please take a moment to thank Caltrans Director Toks Omishakin.
A technicality at the CTC meeting prevented the commission from approving the whole $100 million. However, the conversation among commissioners made it clear that they intend to approve the rest of the funding at its next meeting in June.
The request came as part of the director’s stated commitment to make good on the governor’s promise that Caltrans will implement the intent of last year’s Complete Streets Act despite his veto. “While the state has a long way to go to turn the SHOPP and other state programs into funding sources for safety and sustainability and equity, this unprecedented action indicates the agency is serious about changing how it implements the SHOPP. These funds are essential to make desperately needed improvements for biking and walking safety,” said Dave Snyder, CalBike Executive Director.
Prior to the meeting, Commissioners received a letter from CalBike as part of a coalition of organizations led by Esther Rivera of California Walks. The letter commended the proposal to set aside $100 million, but expressed concern that Caltrans might not spend that money on the projects that would make the most difference because of its poor record of community engagement. Caltrans did identify 22 projects that would benefit from $50 million of the funding, but at the CTC meeting, Director Omishakin made clear that Caltrans would work with community partners to improve outreach. Several other high-ranking Caltrans staff have already reached out to CalBike offering to collaborate on outreach so that they can make the best decisions on how to prioritize that $100 million.
When Governor Newsom vetoed the Complete Streets for Healthy Living bill (SB 127 – Wiener) last year, it was a blow for the safe streets movement. The bill would have required Caltrans to consider adding Complete Streets elements to repair projects on state routes that double as local streets. It also created a public comment process if Caltrans decided Complete Streets features were infeasible. However, the governor issued a statement with his veto that made it clear that he expected Caltrans to find a way to implement the spirit of the law. With the 2020 SHOPP, we can see that Caltrans takes the need for Complete Streets seriously.
There has never been a more important time to build streets that encourage biking, walking, and taking transit. Changing our transit choices is a critical element of climate change mitigation. In addition, the current pandemic has shown us how vital California’s street spaces are to provide safe places to exercise and get fresh air. And bikes have become an even more important transportation option, to create space on public transit for those who need to ride and provide healthy and inexpensive transit for essential workers.
CalBike has joined with a coalition of advocacy groups to press Caltrans to follow a transparent process when it adds Complete Streets elements to projects. The letter was signed by transportation advocacy groups, environmental organizations, a government association, and a Catholic diocese, among others.
In 2019, CalBike sponsored the Complete Streets for Healthy Living bill (SB 127). The bill, which passed both the State Assembly and the Senate, would have required Caltrans to include Complete Streets features in repair projects whenever feasible. Although Governor Newsom vetoed the bill, Caltrans has moved forward with some promising changes. Most importantly, it has delayed the 2020 State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) funding round to reexamine projects and find places to include Complete Streets.
While CalBike supports the direction that Caltrans is taking, we want to emphasize the importance of community involvement and input into Complete Streets elements that get added to projects. The complete letter is below. You can download the pdf at SHOPP CTC Complete Streets Letter.
May 8, 2020
Chair Van Konynenburg
California Transportation Commission 1120 N. Street, MS 52
Sacramento Ca. 95814
Dear Chair Van Konynenburg and Members of the Commission:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) Performance and Complete Streets Item. We represent organizations in California that promote equitable access to active transportation for all Californians. Our group has been working with Caltrans over the past year to identify efficient and effective ways to fund complete streets projects, where appropriate, as well as look for pathways to create better engagement between Caltrans Districts and Local Partners.
We support the shift that Caltrans is demonstrating under the leadership and guidance of Director Omishakin. Establishing a reserve funding to incorporate meaningful complete streets elements to existing SHOPP projects is key to ensuring efficient use of funding and most
importantly advancing a transportation system that supports all modes of transportation for Californians. We understand the time and effort it has taken to get to this decision and appreciate the hard work and dedication of Caltrans staff and the Director.
While we support the shift this represents, we also encourage Caltrans Districts and headquarters to ensure that the projects which seek to access the reserve and implement complete streets are those which demonstrate community support and are identified through meaningful community engagement. In order for these reserve funds to create a meaningful impact it is of the utmost importance that there be support and a demonstrated process where community voices are heard in prioritizing projects within the SHOPP for these improvements.
We highly encourage Caltrans and the Commission to ensure that any project seeking to use funds from the reserve demonstrate the following:
We are eager to partner with Caltrans and the districts to develop a process that creates statewide guidance and/or criteria for community engagement for projects seeking to use the funds for the reserve. If we begin institutionalizing equitable and inclusive community engagement for all SHOPP projects now, we can ensure that all future SHOPP cycles will incorporate the full breadth of multimodal and complete streets options prioritized by California’s communities, and avoid the need to hold reserves for allocation after the program’s approval.
In closing, we support the shift demonstrated by the department and look forward to the implementation of meaningful, community informed complete streets elements in the 2020 SHOPP and beyond. We’d also encourage and support linking Caltrans Districts with local partners to support alignment and execution of the engagement efforts outlined above.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely,
Esther Rivera, Interim-Executive Director California Walks
Jonathan Matz, California Senior Policy Manager Safe Routes Partnership
Chanell Fletcher, Executive Director ClimatePlan
Matthew Baker, Policy Director Planning and Conservation League
Marcella May Executive Director
Humboldt County Association of Governments
Emily Sinkhorn, Division Director Redwood Community Action Agency
Steve Gerhardt, AICP
Executive Director, Walk Long Beach
Carter Rubin
Mobility and Climate Advocate, NRDC
Molly Wagner, CPTED CPD, Project Manager WALKSacramento
Dave Snyder
Executive Director, California Bicycle Coalition
Julia Randolph
Policy and Outreach Associate, Coalition for Clean Air
Veronica Tovar, Program Manager Catholic Charities Environmental Justice
Colin Fiske, Executive Director
Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities
The Better Bikeway Design Bill (AB 1266 – R. Rivas) moved forward in the Senate Transportation Committee yesterday, after passing the Assembly in mid-May. The bill provides important bikeway design guidelines for planners and public works departments.
Bike lanes often disappear at intersections, which are the site of most collisions and greatest confusion for all users of the road. The Better Bikeway Design Bill directs Caltrans to develop and embed better guidance into its design guidelines for where to place bike lane markings at intersections with turn lanes for automobiles.
“This common sense bill is another piece in our ongoing campaign to work with Caltrans to develop the nation’s best bikeway design guidance,” said CalBike Executive Director Dave Snyder. Snyder testified at the hearing yesterday to support the bill, which inspired an exchange with Chairman Beall about the Dutch reach and the dangers of the door zone.
The next step for the Better Bikeway Design Bill is to move through the Senate Appropriations Committee.
© California Bicycle Coalition 2025
1017 L Street #288
Sacramento, CA 95814
© California Bicycle Coalition 2025