Bike Parking Bill Passes the Assembly
The Bike Parking Bill (AB 3153-Rivas) passed the California State Assembly on June 8, 2020 with an overwhelming vote of 52-11. The bill, sponsored by CalBike, creates a statewide incentive for developers to build more bike parking and carshare spaces, in exchange for reduced car parking minimums.
We put out a call Monday morning to call your assembly member and ask them to vote yes on AB 3153. Thank you to the many of your who made that call. Your voices made a difference.
Many municipalities require new buildings to include a minimum number of car parking spaces. These mandates make new residential buildings more expensive to build. In effect, every unit of human housing has to also include vehicle storage, whether or not the future occupants will own a car.
CalBike’s bill allows developers to reduce the number of parking spaces by up to 30% and replace them with bike parking spots or carshare parking spaces. The amount of the reduction depends on whether the building qualifies for a density bonus and whether it’s located within half a mile of a “major transit stop.”
Secure bike parking is essential if we want people to be able to ride their bikes for everyday transportation. AB 3153 will give more Californians that option. See the Streetsblog article for more on the Monday’s vote.
The next step for the Bike Parking Bill is the Senate. We will need your help again to pass it in the Senate and get Governor Newsom to sign it. Stay tuned for the next opportunity to advocate for more bike parking in new California buildings.